Miss X from Bolton got in touch with me for help after her car was clamped in Lottery Row at the back of Wetherspooons Nelson Square Bolton, it was the night of the rally of the two groups, unite against facism and the english defence league, Miss X had tried to park near Nelson Square but the Police moved her on and told her to find a parking place elsewhere, she parked in lottery row and failed to notice that signs for clamping were deployed very high up on the wall in front of where she parked, but when she returned to her car on Sunday the car had been removed, she telephoned the Clampers and spoke to Danny who told her that her car had been towed away to a compound in Wigan, it was actually parked near a scrap yard on Kirkless Industrial Estate Cale Lane, Danny told Miss X that the Bill would be £500 plus £35 per day storage fees.
I phoned Danny and informed him that I would take him to court if Miss X handed any money over, I arranged to meet him at the location in lottery row, I arrived there early and phoned him again we remonstrated over the phone, at one point he told me that he was on another phone talking to a solicitor, the solicitor turned out to be his mummy, who must have set up Danny and taught him how to screw money out of motorists, but then thats what solicitors do best, Danny clamper refused to meet me, Mummy's knowledge of litigation appears to be somewhat limited, most solicitors have some basic knowledge of litigation but she appears to know nothing, Danny is also a Bouncer and the folk I spoke to around where he clamps say they don't like him.
Miss X phoned me again and informed me that Mummy's boy Danny clamper had said that he would remove the clamps for the initial clamping fee of £150 which she didn't agree with. £150 to clamp and £250 are excessive and this sum is deemed as a punishment, only the state have the legal authority to punish anyone in this country, I informed Miss X that if she had to pay the £150 then do it and I will still take him to court, no judge worth his salt will allow anyone to have to pay £150 for a parking contravention. especially by an emotive subject of clamping.
On Friday Miss X phoned me and told me that Mummy's boy Danny said that he would release the clamp for free provided that she signed a waiver not to take him to court, we arrived at the location at 1815 hrs, Miss X's mum had already been to the location to recce the area during the day, so she knew where the car was parked, but Clamper Danny didn't know this, Danny clamper was already there, he produced a piece of paper with notes on it stating that the clamp would be removed only if Miss X signed the waiver, Bully boy Danny clamper had told me that his Solicitor mummy had made out the letter, not well up on the law then is she, she should have known that one cannot sign away your rights under duress in this country and it is Blackmail to ask anyone to sign something under duress, the definition is as follows:
The exertion of pressure or threats, especially unfairly, in an attempt to influence someone's actions. and To attempt to influence the actions of (a person) by unfair pressure or threats.
On Friday Miss X phoned me and told me that Mummy's boy Danny said that he would release the clamp for free provided that she signed a waiver not to take him to court, we arrived at the location at 1815 hrs, Miss X's mum had already been to the location to recce the area during the day, so she knew where the car was parked, but Clamper Danny didn't know this, Danny clamper was already there, he produced a piece of paper with notes on it stating that the clamp would be removed only if Miss X signed the waiver, Bully boy Danny clamper had told me that his Solicitor mummy had made out the letter, not well up on the law then is she, she should have known that one cannot sign away your rights under duress in this country and it is Blackmail to ask anyone to sign something under duress, the definition is as follows:
The exertion of pressure or threats, especially unfairly, in an attempt to influence someone's actions. and To attempt to influence the actions of (a person) by unfair pressure or threats.

The clamp was eventually removed only to find that the car wouldn't move because the handbrake was stuck on, Danny clamper had to find a mechanic to free off the brakes so it could be driven. Danny clamper was given the invoice before we left.
Danny clamper had no lawful right to move the vehicle from lottery row, he did it to free up the space so another fly could get caught in his expensive trap, there are three criteria that a car can be removed lawfully, these are:
1. Dangerously parked
2. Causing an obstruction
3. Blocking an emergency exit
The car was not causing any of these three criteria, so why was it towed away? was it to make room for another sucker, I believe it was, if it did not meet the criteria and Danny Clamper removed the car then it is theft. Miss X was deprived of her car for six days because of Danny Clamper's unlawful actions, Danny Clamper told Miss X that had it been an older car the charges wouldn't have been as high, this is surely unlawfull, at the time of writing this I have just come off the phone speaking to Danny Clamper who said I must stop harrassing him because earlier I had phoned him to ask him for his SIA number which he has refused to supply me with, he had already given me the number but when I entered it onto the SIA website it was refused, I believe he gave me the wrong number on purpose, Danny clamper put the phone down on me so I phoned again this time his mummy answered, she is supposed to be a solicitor and by the way she spoke to me I do not believe she is a solicitor, she was extremely rude and wouldn't allow me to get a word in edgeways, she said she was recording the call, I will put in a subject access request to get a copy, she repeated that she would report me for harrassment, I have now reported the incident of the clamping to the Independent Police Authority, who will now investigate why the Police took no action when I phoned them on Friday last regarding Danny Clamper forcing Miss X to sign a waiver under Duress.
Danny Clamper charges £35 a day for storage for keeping the vehicle on Kirkless Industrial Estate, clamped vehicles are not even kept in a secure compound.
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