Friday, 9 November 2007

Illegal Parking Bays repainted, Still not Correct TAXI BAY Victoria Sq North

>>>>>>>>> BEFORE >>>>>>>>Click on the pics to enlarge>>>>>>>> AFTER >>>>>>>>>>>>

I have had a look at Bolton's new bays yesterday and whilst they have still not yet finished them all, this taxi Bay appears to be nowhere near what the bay should look like, the signing is totally incorrect, they are haphazard,

A spokesman for the Department for Transport said:
The upright sign seems to be a permitted variant of sign 650.2 in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 and the bay may conform to road marking 1028.2 This bay reserves parking for taxis should not have road marking 1018.1 which means parking is prohibited at any time. One may imagine circumstances when one combines road markings diagrams 1028.2 and 1017 but not 1018.1.

a 1017 diagram is a Single Yellow Line a 1018.1 is a Double Yellow Line so it appears that Taxis are not even allowed to park lawfully. There are 3 lines at the start of this bay and two at the other end, there should be two lines only at each end. the lines should be 600mm and the gaps can be 600mm Min to 2400mm Max, the minimum and maximum measurements gives the council Latitude to make the bays so that the Character of the Marking is maintained within the length of the bay, in other words the Gaps and Lines longitudinally should all be the same size, i.e the Lines should all be 600mm and the gaps should be whatever calculation the length of the bay determines them to be, there is a variance of 15% above and 10% below , but the character needs be maintained despite the variance. So despite all the money the council have thrown at this bay it is still unlawful, "It does not exist in Law".

So nothing new there then and more to the point.

Free Parking and Wasted Council Tax
Mr Molyneux please take Note!

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