Bolton Council Corrupt parking regime have cancelled another 2 Penalty Charge Notices, one because because of the delay in dealing with paperwork and the other one because Mrs Jackson says she has lost the paperwork, if you believe her put yer hand up, not many hands up there then, oh yes just the one, oh, its Mrs Jackson, sorry love you can't vote, voting is only for those who believe in justice, put yourself up for a Councillor love they don't believe in justice either.
Well Sean Harriss, CEO of Bolton Council, what sort of a seedy organisation are you running in Bolton, it has got to be the most Corrupt Parking Regime in Britain and getting worse by the day, but if anyone reading this knows a more corrupt Council let me know, and if you can get any logic round the two letters from Mrs Sheila Jackson here let me know. Copies of these are going to the National Parking Adjudication Service so they can see at first hand how Bolton Council are corrupting the Parking Appeals Process. They really are taking the Pizza.
Anyone reading this and whose PCN is more than 4 months since issue should write to Sheila Jackson and ask for the PCN to be cancelled, send a copy of the letters above and below or if you want a copy I can email, request and you shall have. bmoss@ntlworld.com.
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