Hello Barry, Well another feather in your cap, or notch on your bed post whatever it may be. They have cancelled the penalty charge notice. Big thanks for that, tell us your tipple and I'm sure we can oblige. cheers Bill
below is the email I asked him to send to parking services.
Hi Billy.
Forward this below to the Parking services
Dear Sir/Madam
With Reference to: PCN no BO61074546 I wish to make an informal appeal against the PCN

1. The bay has two lines on one side, this is confusing, therefore which is the real one.
2. The PCN is a nullity because part of S66 (3) (a-f)of the 1991 RTA informing a motorist where the instruction to pay are printed on the tear off slip which does not form part of the PCN see LBBarnet v Hugh Moses.
3. There is no signage anywhere in the parking place to inform amotorist that the Council will relieve them of £60 if they park over a line, this is against the law and against my human rights, a motorist must be informed of all the possible contraventions applicable to the parking place, or parking space, there are no contraventions listed on the Pay & Display machine nor are there any repeater signs in the parking place.
4. I now ask you to cancel the PCN on the points I have raised, if not I will ask for costs at an NPAS appeal as the Council would be pursuing a vexatious claim for Penalty Charges.
5. Please reply by email so I know that I have received it, I have been informed that too much post goes astray from Bolton Council Parking services.
6. Please acknowledge save receipt of this email.
Yours Faithfully
W. Ireton
And this is the reply from Parking Services
Dear Mr Ireton
Thank you for your correspondence regarding the above mentioned Penalty Charge Notice.
I am writing to inform you that after considering the circumstances expressed in your letter, the notice will be cancelled and the charge withdrawn.
Yours sincerely Customer Services Officer
I do not know which option they chose to cancel the PCN, but if you get a PCN include all of the options above it may get the PCN cancelled
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