Sunday, 2 December 2007

New Left Knee


Well i'm back and together with my brand new Oxinium Left Knee fitted by the pioneer of Oxinium knee replacements in this country Dr John Davidson at the Broadgreen University Hospital Liverpool. Still a bit sore but occasionally I can walk on it, very happy that everthing went without a hitch they even sent me home a day earlier to continue my campaign against the Illegal Bolton Council. This new Knee will come in very handy when I'm measuring the new lines on the new illegal bays in Bolton.

Saturday, 17 November 2007

No Blog for a week

I am at Liverpool's University Hospital later today 07:30 for a new Knee, if I can get to my PC when I come out I will continue to lobby the Council regarding the unlawful Bays. Incidentally Malcolm Cox's remarks earlier this week in the Bolton News throws up another criminal charge against the Council, that of Conspiracy, definition of Conspiracy "A secret plan or agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal or subversive act"
So we now have. Deception, Fraud and Conspiracy.

Friday, 16 November 2007

Letter sent to CEO Bolton Council and Local Councillors

Dear Mr Harriss and Councillors,
In Wednesday's Bolton News the council are reported as stating that only two bays within the Borough were unlawful. As everyone involved in parking issues realises this is incorrect to a degree that cannot be mistaken for a genuine mistake, far from there being only two illegal bays I would put it to you that we will be hard pressed to find two bays that are compliant with the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002. (TSRGD) I have investigated many bays at various locations throughout the Borough and ALL are unlawful and this has been verified by the DfT which unconditionally states the Bays fashioned by the Highways Department and subsequently supported on several occasions by Parking Services, Legal Services and various councillors are illegal Hybrids of a 1032 bay and a 1028.4 bay.
Councillor Peel stated that the council has acted in good faith and the council were updating the Traffic Orders, this statement verifies the bays were unlawful by stating the Traffic Orders were invalid, and Malcolm Cox has now admitted an abuse of office by stating that the Council have known since 2002 that the bays were wrong, despite this knowledge Bolton Council continued to issue unlawful Penalty Charge Notices on Unlawful bays across the Borough, and as a consequence unjustly enriched the council finance department coffers with illegally derived income.
The statement in The Bolton News Wednesday 14th November by Mr Cox is untrue, there were no changes to the design of the bays, just a recommendation that some bays can be narrowed to 1800mm to minimise any obstruction, (See below) there were changes to sign plates but not to bays see information below from Department for Transport, a full script of the changes from 1994 TSRGD to the 2002 TSRGD is attached.

The problem goes back to Sept 2000 when the Council took over Decriminalised Parking Enforcement from the Police, yet after 7 Years the Council have done nothing to change the bays to make them Lawful, the Council were more concerned with deceiving the public by not informing them that the bays did not comply with Statute, enforcement should have been suspended until the bays were made Lawful, The council did none of these and continued to extort money from an unsuspecting public by defrauding them
Mr Harriss and Councillors, are you aware that more than 22,000 Penalty Charge Notices were enforced by Bailiffs since September 2000? The largest payment I have found paid to a Bailiff was £800 paid for parking in what is now admitted was an unlawful bay and the vast majority of these 22,000 Warrants of Execution will have been issued unlawfully and very possibly that number will have to be increased now that you have admitting that the Traffic Orders are not compliant, if the Traffic Regulation Orders do not comply, a parking contravention cannot occur. If the Bay is non compliant the contravention cannot occur.
I now ask the Councillors in the interests of Justice to force the issue of a public meeting regarding the circumstances surrounding parking bays in general and the unlawful application of PCN’s in particular and I will continue to insist for this in the interests of maintaining democratic processes and open-ness in Local Government.
The Council have lost the trust of the Public because of the lies, spin and misinformation that has been issued time and again from more than one department but which has subsequently been shown for the fiction that it is.

The local press and the vast majority of the public are behind my campaign against such deliberate illegality in local government and the Council are quickly losing credibility which it may be already too late to regain and thereby restore the situation to one of trust and reconciliation.
If the Council do not act in a positive and constructive manner soon this issue will get worse before it gets better.
The Council has been well and truly caught appropriating cash illegally, much better to address the situation now by admitting the irregularities rather than at a later date when the situation has been made worse by even more lies and deceit because by that time the public will be left in no doubt as to whether the Council is corrupt or not.

A requirement of regaining that trust must surely be disciplinary action against those responsible because they MUST have acted contrary to Council Policy. There is also a requirement for an honest and determined effort to be made to track down and make full and proper restitution to all those people illegally deprived of money and goods and thereby put right a grave miscarriage of Justice.

Incidentally I have now discovered that all the Bus Stop Bays in the Borough may also be unlawful, the Council were given until 31st December to comply with the New regulations from the TSRGD’s 2002 if Councils did not change the bays by then they should have been removed from the roads, see attached PDF file. The Council have just spent maybe a couple of hundred thousand pounds to resurface and re-sign Deane Road, it appears that the bus stop signing is illegal and the Bus Stop bay should be to Diagram 1025.1 on page 175 of the TSRGD’s 2002, however they can be easily rectified to make them compliant.

The mind boggles at the blundering incompetence of Bolton Council’s Highways and Engineering Department, The Legal Department and the Environmental Services Department, Mr Cox is quoting the 2002 Regulations to excuse the re-signing of the unlawful bays due to cost but he doesn’t use the same regulations to make everything lawful, i.e. Parking Bays, Bus Stop Bays, Signs and Plates etc, he apparently wants it both ways. How many copies of the TSRGD’s do the Council require before someone actually picks one up to read it.

Barry Moss

TSRGD's 1994 amendments 2002 TSRGD's
For disabled badge holder parking spaces (diagram 1028.3) may be reduced to a width of 1800mm where, on account of the nature of the traffic using the road, the width of the carriageway is insufficient to accommodate a wider bay.

20. Parking bays for buses are now prescribed as a variant of diagram 1028.3 (white marking and legend) rather than diagram 1028.2.

21. A new variant of the bay marking to diagram 1028.4 allows bays to be marked “Permit holders only”, which may be helpful where adjoining sets of bays are reserved for different classes of user.

26. Not all bus stops will have to be clearways if the bus stop flag sign is the only sign used (as may be appropriate on roads where buses can always pull up at the stop without being obstructed by parked vehicles). But any bays marked out for bus stops or stands after the TSRGD 2002 have come into force will have to include the edge of carriageway clearway marking shown in diagrams 1025.1, 1025.3 or 1025.4, and be accompanied by an upright sign to diagram 974 or 975 indicating that stopping by vehicles other than buses (or local buses) is prohibited.

27. A saving has been included in regulation 3 for existing bays to diagrams 1025 and 1025.2 to be retained until 31 December 2006 – by which time the bays should either have been converted to clearways by the addition of a continuous yellow line along the edge of carriageway, or the bay marking should have been removed.
It could be argued that the Council are still using the TSRGD's 1994 which has now been revoked. This would not surprise me in the least.

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Information on Restitution and Template letter for claiming such.

Simple definition of restitution for a fuller explanation search for "Laws of Restitution"

res·ti·tu·tion (rĕs'tĭ-tū'shən, -tyū'-) n.
The act of restoring to the rightful owner something that has been taken away, lost, or surrendered. .
The act of making good or compensating for loss, damage, or injury; indemnification.
A return to or restoration of a previous state or position.

Restitution based on Unjust Enrichment by Bolton Council due to the fact that the Council took away money from an individual in this case motorists, this income was unlawfully derived and as such you can ask for it back, in Wednesday's paper the Council are admitting that some bays are not correct, two in fact, (Does anyone really believe that) The Council cannot hold onto unlawfully Derived income they must with all due diligence trace the person who paid the Council the sum of money demanded on an unlawful bay and offer restitution, any money left over cannot be kept it must be given to a Charity or Charities.

For example: Mrs Bloggs pays £90 for a parking ticket for not displaying a Pay & Display ticket in Le-Mans Crescent in 2005, it later transpires that the bay was found not be be lawful because it did not comply with the Traffic Signs Regulation and General Directions 2002 it was an unlawful Hybrid Bay, this was confirmed by an email from the Department for Transport run by our very own Ruth Kelly, the council admit that the bays are unlawful in a statement issued by the Director of Environmental Services Malcolm Cox, on the same day another statement was issued by the Director of Legal Services inviting motorists who have been given a Penalty Charge Notice on any unlawful Bay that they could apply for a refund.

If you don't have the Parking Ticket details then first you must ask the Council for these details, Phone Parking Services on 01204 336352 give the vehicle reg No of the car you got the ticket for or your address and they will give the ticket number ask where the location was and the day it was issued and the Contravention on which the ticket was issued.

Now write to Parking Services at The Parking Shop, Minerva House, Chorley Street, Bolton, BL1 4AL. stating this:

Dear Parking Manager.
With reference to recent newspaper reports, regarding unlawful bays, I received a Penalty Charge Notice BO 1234567 for a contravention code 06 Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay & display ticket or voucher, this was in Barn St, Bolton on 15th August 2006, that bay has since been declared unlawful, therefore under the laws of restitution I ask that you repay the £90 I paid plus the parking charge of £0.70 plus statutory interest of 8% from the date you received payment and up to the present date, this amounts to a total of £107.04 which includes interest of 8% £16.04 interest will be added at 2p per day until payment is received
Failure to pay could result in a claim being filed in the County Court
Yours Faithfully

Joan Bloggs

If you had the Bailiffs in then it is different:

Example 2: Mr Bloggs got a parking ticket for Parking on the Mayors Bay (Permit Bay) in October 2006, it transpired that the bay was later deemed to be unlawful and the Council by their actions after a call from a parking campaigner changed the bay twice in just over 5 months and apparently it is still wrong. the Council in a local newspaper article admitted the bay was wrong actually straying away from the word unlawful, but by their own actions deemed the bay to be unlawful.

Using the letter above but adding in the relevant bits send this.

Dear Parking Manager.
With reference to recent newspaper reports, regarding unlawful bays, I received a Penalty Charge Notice BO 2345678 for a contravention code 16 Parked in a permit space without displaying a valid permit, this was in Victoria Square North , Bolton on 15th October 2006, that bay has since been declared unlawful, therefore under the laws of restitution I ask that you repay the £384 I paid to the Bailiffs plus damages of £175 for anxiety and distress plus statutory interest of 8% from the date you received payment, this amounts to a total of £607.53 which includes interest of 8% £48.53. interest will be added at 13p per day until payment is received.

Failure to pay could result in a claim being filed in the County Court

Yours Faithfully

Joe Bloggs

If you had the Bailiffs in and they levied distress on your Goods and Chattels (Goods that Bailiffs can move, Car, T.V, Dishwasher. DVD, etc)

Using the letter above but adding in the relevant bits send this.

Dear Parking Manager.

With reference to recent newspaper reports, regarding unlawful bays, I received a Penalty Charge Notice BO 3456789 for a contravention code 30 Parked for longer than permitted, this was in School Street Westhoughton.on the 8th September 2003. that bay has since been declared unlawful by a spokesperson from the Department for Transport, therefore under the laws of restitution I ask that you repay the £85 I paid to the Bailiffs plus damages of £175 for Anxiety and Distress plus Compensation for the removal of my goods and Chattels (See inventory list left by the Bailiffs) amounting to £3,230 which at auction and other Bailiffs charges amounted to realising only £397 off the cost of the Penalty Charge which was £472, I also claim statutory interest of 8% from the date you received payment, this amounts to a total of £4659.66 which includes statutory interest of 8% £1169.66. interest will be added at 81p per day until payment is received.
I also reserve my right to file a claim in the County Court for Punitive Damages.
Failure to pay could result in a claim being filed in the County Court

Yours Faithfully

Mrs Janet Smith

The Unlawful Bays and The LIE the whole LIE and nothing but LIES from Bolton Council

The back alley to the left in Barn Street is still being enforced despite me informing the Council that the lines are unenforceable.

In response to Bolton Council's statement in the Bolton News on Wednesday 14th November 2007 about there only being two bays that were wrong and if it was you who made the statement Mr Eastwood then your nose should be getting fairly large by now, also if you are a lawyer in the Legal department you have brought shame on your profession by being economical with the truth.
Below is a list of all the Parking Spaces I have checked out, photographed and documented, there are 89 locations in Bolton where a parking ticket can be issued if I haven't found any lawful bays in the 24 locations listed below, what are the odds of me finding any in the remaining 55 locations, anyone want to give me some odds, no takers eh!

If anyone wants a pic and an explanation of why any of the bays numbered below are unlawful email me, I will reply to your enquiry to the best of my endeavours, please leave your email address so I can make the reply, if anybody wishes to put in a claim for a refund then now is the time to do it.
I am away for a week in hospital from Saturday having a knee replaced (and my head examined) when I get back I will reply via email. or

If you wish to get your money back then please read the next blog for a template letter.

1. Le- mans crescent = 3 Pay & Display bays approx holding 18
2. Le- mans crescent = 1 Loading Bay approx holding 2
3. Howell Croft North = 1 Pay & Display bays approx holding 5
4. Howell Croft North = 1 Taxi Bay approx holding 5
5. Victoria Sq North = 1 Taxi Bay approx holding 4
6. Victoria Sq North = 4 Disabled bays approx holding 10
7. Victoria Sq North = 1 Permit bay approx holding 1
8. Victoria Sq South = 1 Disabled bay approx holding 4
9. Victoria Sq South = 3 Pay & Display bays approx holding 8
10. Victoria Sq North = 2 permit bays holding 2
11. Howell St South = 1 Pay & Display bays holding 2
12. Howell St South = 1 Loading bay holding 1
13. Cheadle Square = Series of Echelon bays approx holding 16
14. Queen St = 2 Pay & display bays approx holding 12
15. Queen St = 2 Disabled bays approx holding 2
16. Barn St = 1 Pay & Display bay holding approx 6
17. Back St Gardens = 1 Pay & Display bay holding approx 10
18. Silverware St = 5 Pay & Display bays holding approx 20
19. Churchbank = 1 Disabled bay approx holding 3
20. Churchbank = 4 Pay & Display bays holding approx 20
21. Churchbank = Series of Echelon bays approx holding 7
22. Mawdsley St = 1 loading bay approx holding 1
23. Mawdsley St = 1 Pay & Display bay approx holding 2
24. Back Cheapside = 2 Disabled bays approx holding 8
25. Knowsley St = 1 Taxi bay holding approx 6 Taxis
26. Knowsley St = 2 Loading bays approx holding 3
27. Back Knowsley St = 2 Loading bays approx holding 4
28. Central St = 1 loading bay approx holding 2
29. Crown St = 1 Loading bay approx holding 2
30. Dawson Lane = 2 Pay & Display bays approx holding 12
31. Gartside St = 1 permit holders only bay approx holding 6
32. Gartside St = 4 Pay & Display bays approx holding 14
33. Marsden Road = 1 Pay & Display bays approx holding 5
34. Marsden Road = 1 Loading bay approx holding 2
35. Lorne St = 1 disabled bay approx holding 2
36. Deane road = Free outside 257 Deane Road approx holding 7

School St = 1 Free bay restricted times approx holding 6
King St = 1 Loading bay approx holding 2
King St = 1 Disabled bay approx holding 2
Mill St = Resident permit bay approx holding 5

Friday, 9 November 2007

Illegal Parking Bays repainted, Still not Correct TAXI BAY Victoria Sq North

>>>>>>>>> BEFORE >>>>>>>>Click on the pics to enlarge>>>>>>>> AFTER >>>>>>>>>>>>

I have had a look at Bolton's new bays yesterday and whilst they have still not yet finished them all, this taxi Bay appears to be nowhere near what the bay should look like, the signing is totally incorrect, they are haphazard,

A spokesman for the Department for Transport said:
The upright sign seems to be a permitted variant of sign 650.2 in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 and the bay may conform to road marking 1028.2 This bay reserves parking for taxis should not have road marking 1018.1 which means parking is prohibited at any time. One may imagine circumstances when one combines road markings diagrams 1028.2 and 1017 but not 1018.1.

a 1017 diagram is a Single Yellow Line a 1018.1 is a Double Yellow Line so it appears that Taxis are not even allowed to park lawfully. There are 3 lines at the start of this bay and two at the other end, there should be two lines only at each end. the lines should be 600mm and the gaps can be 600mm Min to 2400mm Max, the minimum and maximum measurements gives the council Latitude to make the bays so that the Character of the Marking is maintained within the length of the bay, in other words the Gaps and Lines longitudinally should all be the same size, i.e the Lines should all be 600mm and the gaps should be whatever calculation the length of the bay determines them to be, there is a variance of 15% above and 10% below , but the character needs be maintained despite the variance. So despite all the money the council have thrown at this bay it is still unlawful, "It does not exist in Law".

So nothing new there then and more to the point.

Free Parking and Wasted Council Tax
Mr Molyneux please take Note!

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Police put parking investigation on hold

The Police have put the investigation on hold until the Council can come up with a water tight excuse for illegally taking money off motorists for parking in illegal bays in and around the Town Centre. Superintendant Durkin from Bolton central told me that the Council were using Chapter 5 of the Traffic Signs Manual to back up their reason for laying down illegal bays, The Traffic Signs Manual reinforces my allegation that the Bays are illegal and nothing in the TS Manual overrides the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002.
On Thursday through Mr Paul Winnard a spokesman for the council, I gave the Council until Midnight on Monday 5th November to Cease enforcement of all on street parking bays where a penalty charge notice can be issued and to issue restitution to all motorists who were given a Penalty Charge Notice in those bays, I can say that no communication has been received from the Council.
I must now ask Bolton Police to carry out a full criminal investigation of the Illegal Hybrid Parking Bays in Bolton.

The following was taken from Saturdays Bolton News

POLICE have put an investigation into claims parking bays across Bolton are illegal on hold.
Leading officers agreed to look into the allegations after they were contacted by campaigner Barry Moss.
Mr Moss, aged 61, of Daisy Hill, says he has yet to find an on-street bay in Bolton where the white markings comply with regulations.
He claims some bays are the wrong length, while in others individual parking spaces have not been marked out and the gap between split white lines alongside the bays is the wrong size.
Mr Moss says the council is guilty of misfeasance - wilful misconduct by a public officer.
But police have put their investigation on hold while the council seeks legal advice.
Supt Andy Durkin said: "The council do not accept at face value what Mr Moss is saying and are seeking legal advice.
"Until such time that advice is clear I am not going to add a third dimension to the situation."
Mr Moss said he accepted Supt Durkin's decision.
But added that the council must now suspend enforcement across all parking spaces, make them legal and then repay more than £6 million in fines.
The council this week suspended enforcement on two parking bays with space for 18 cars in Le Mans Crescent and Victoria Square North.
It admitted they had been repainted to the wrong length.

By removing these lines, could the Council be accused of Tampering with Evidence, however I have photographs of the bays before they were changed.

Friday, 2 November 2007

From one Campaigner to another

Quote from the Bolton News.
Cllr Nicholas Peel (Labour) said "Lines for the parking spaces in Victoria Square South and Le Mans Crescent would be repainted over the weekend".

He added: "A lot of the claims are incorrect, or have been rectified, and where we think there might be something in them we are seeking legal advice".

"To solve this, we need the courts to step in and interpret what the law means, rather than get swamped down in anomalies and technicalities."

And now a word from the campaigner
Well done Barry!!!

"To solve this, we need the courts to step in and interpret what the
law means, rather than get swamped down in anomalies and

translated means:
Bolton Council with unlimited public funds, 'professionals' paid for by the
taxpayer, are so inept that we need the Courts to help us out of this
mess. If we had been honest in the first place instead of committing
fraud and attempting to show people who's boss, then perphaps people
like Barry Moss etc might not be hammering us.

Westminster PCN and Clamp

The enclosed letter was as a result from a cry for help from Joe who works in Westminster, he came back to his car had a PCN and a clamp, he emailed me and from Bolton with the aid of Joe, a digital camera, a tape measure, and the Traffic Regulation Order, I determined the bay was invalid, he wrote to the Council for restitution and with the evidence I gave to Joe he got restitution of £115 on the illegal bay in Golden Square Westminster. Another victory against a Council collecting money on an illegal bay, when will these Council's toe the line. well done Joe for sticking with it.

Thursday, 1 November 2007

TODAY IN BOLTON... Council do a Cover Up but on Pay and Display machines (Not Good Enough.)


Sorry! these pics look like they've been put on at random, bit like the bays really.

IF YOU CAN SPOT A LEGAL BAY IN THESE PICS YOU GET A TENNER OFF COUNCILLOR PEEL. because I am sure he would be more than happy to give a tenner away to find a legal bay anywhere in Bolton. THESE BAYS ARE ALL IN CHURCH BANK. the Echelon Bays (1033 bay) are invisible, but there may be the odd millimetre about eh Nick, but there's still not enough paint here to make a line let alone a bay.

Read this first

The Illegal Parking Bay issue will get worse before it gets better, it appears some of you have fallen into Labour Councillors Nick Peels trap of Politics, Mr Peel is the chairman of The Car Parking Policy Development Group of which a meeting was held yesterday, it was hurriedly brought forward by nearly three weeks to yesterday, This meeting was held in camera, the public were not invited which is against council policy, only an executive meeting can be held in camera (Without the Public)the reply formulated from that meeting is the reply you have just read from Mr Peel in page 2 of today's Bolton News, Mr Peel has been totally misinformed by the Council, if he or any other member of the council thinks it is about Millimetres they are totally wrong, Mr Peel has lied through his back teeth to the Bolton News, and the people of Bolton, furthermore, I would call Mr Peel a liar to his face on National TV, if it was about Millimetres I would not have brought the Parking issue up at all and had I done so, it would have been soon been shot down because there is a legal term which the Bolton Legal and Parking services would have used as a get out, the term is De Minimis Non Curat Lex meaning ‘The law does not concern itself with trifles', why did the Council not use this legal get out if it is about Millimetres, Mr Peel I am no idiot and neither are the public, you have lied to the Public through a newspaper, retract your statement publicly, resign and move away, the good citizens of Bolton do not want the likes of liars acting on their behalf. The illegal bays are illegal because they are Unlawful Hybrids, they are a hotchpotch of several types of bays of which there are only four and Bolton Council cannot get even one bay correct, but even if Mr Peel was telling a semblance of truth, what about the bays that are illegal because of missing lines, take a walk down church bank, the bays are invisible, no lines exist at all except the odd millimetre, perhaps this is what Mr Peel is referring to when he is talking about Millimetres and if it is about Millimetres watch the workmen around Le-Mans Crescent when they remove the special paint, they will not be putting the paint back, they will be completely transforming the Bay to make it legal so they can hold onto your Parking Fine lawfully, but I bet you a pound to a penny it will still be illegal when it's finished because no one in the Highways Dept whose job it is to make sure everything is OK do not have a clue what they are doing. if the Council are going to take £60 off you then they must use the law to take it. You can ask for restitution from the council, write a letter and ask them for your money back, if they won't give it you go to the Police and ask them to investigate a criminal offence of FRAUD. here is an email received today from Bolton Council who have been stalling over ceasing enforcement because they say they are relying on Chapter 5 of the Traffic Signs Manual.
Dear Mr Moss Please find below the answer to your question.
Bolton Council is bound by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 as this is a regulation. It also uses Chapter 5 of the Traffic Signs manual to put into context, apply, interpret and install. We refer back to the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 if there is any discrepancy between the two documents. I have been using the Traffic Signs and General Directions 2002 which is a Statutory Instrument to hammer home to Bolton Council of why the bays are illegal, Chapter 5 of the Traffic Signs manual not only reinforces my allegations but overturns their argument completely. the operative words in the email are BOLTON COUNCIL ARE BOUND BY. Here is an extract from the first paragraph of the Traffic Signs Manual.
1. Introduction.
1.1 The Traffic Signs Manual is intended to give advice to traffic authorities and their agents on the correct use of signs and road markings.
Mandatory requirements are set out in the current version of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions; nothing in the manual can override these.
so that's it in a nutshell, I am right and the Council are wrong and Nick Peel is a LIAR.

Wednesday, 31 October 2007



Bolton Council have ceased enforcement in Le-Mans Crescent on the long bay at the side of the Museum in Le-Mans Crescent, also across the road from the Magistrates Court on a double bay at the junction of Victoria Square North and Le-Mans Crescent and in Victoria Square South for bays at the side of the Town Hall at the back of the two permit bays.
They have not ceased enforcement on the basis that the signing is illegal it is another reason, if it is the TRO then again the TRO must have invalid from October 2000 which is when the Council took over Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE) from the Police, if you have had a PCN in any of these locations the Council will have to issue restitution (refund) on the basis that the TRO is invalid, you may also ask the Police to investigate a criminal offence on this basis, but you must first ask the council for restitution and simple interest of 8% from when you got the ticket, if your PCN went to Bailiffs you can also ask the council for all the money back, if they won't pay you can issue a County Court claim for damages. more info phone me or email me.
All the bays in and around Bolton Town Centre are illegal so if you don't get any joy from the council you should ask the Police to investigate a criminal complaint, I have all the pictures and locations of all the illegal bays.


NPAS Adjudicator Mr Stephen Knapp allowed an appeal on Friday 26th October because the disabled Parking Bays in Victoria Square South were illegal, Bolton Council knew they were illegal yet they continued to let the appeal go to adjudication, this is vexatious, they wanted the £60 from the elderly Gentleman who got the parking ticket.
When an appeal is allowed, the council should investigate the bay to check it is lawful with the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002, S.I 3113 this statute is the only definitive authority the council can rely on to ensure the traffic signing meets the requirements of the law, also at the same time the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) should also be checked to find out if the bay has been placed as per the TRO, it is the TRO that legalises the bay so the Council can issue a Penalty Charge Notice, collect and pursue the money, that is assuming the signing of the Bay is legal.
I suggest a Parking Czar should be introduced to carry out this checking procedure, all checks should be carried out as soon as is practical after the Council has had the results from the adjudicators, this new procedure will give the council more transparency, and I believe the public trust would return if the council are seen to be fair, just and lawful.

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Poll hijacked by council

The Poll to the left has been hijacked by the Council I believe it is done by Labour Councillors and Council employees trying to influence the vote, so nothing new there then.

Nick Peel Labour Councillor on Parking Policy group whose allowances recently published at £15,000 reads this blog, not bad wages for a part timer, think I'll send off for an application form.

Yesterday in Bolton

Went to Bolton on Monday regarding a parking matter and we parked in Le-Mans Crescent without buying a pay and display ticket, I was expecting a PCN when we got back because we were away for more than an hour and guess what, no parking ticket, I don't believe the council have ceased enforcement, however if they have then well done the Council but it should have happened months ago, on friday at the parking appeals in Bolton it was another good day for the appellants at least one was on an illegal disabled bay in Victoria Square South, whereupon the adjudicator Mr Stephen Knapp had no hesitation in cancelling the ticket, it justifies my allegations against the Council that all Parking Bays in Bolton are signed illegally. if you do get a parking ticket on an illegal bay you may make a complaint to the Police, they may not take you serious but stress to them that it is not their job to interpret the law but to investigate complaints.
I will continue to attend the parking appeal venue in Bolton and assist appellants with their appeals, more appellants have won their appeals with a little advice and help from yours truly.
Please feel free to comment on any issues, click on comments, then enter your comments in the Pop up box, please no profanities or I will have to remove it...

Comment from Richard Bentley taken from Bolton News regarding Illegal Signing in Bolton from Front Page Bolton News Sat 27th Oct

Follow this Link to Bolton News front Page sat 27th Oct 2007 a signing consultant working in the private sector, my work primarily involves me being an independent expert witness to assist the Courts.
I am continually called upon to prepare reports into the legal requirements for, and the legitimacy of signing regimes. These reports are primarily created for Court prosecutions and/or parking civil proceedings/parking appeals.
I continue to be astounded by the actions, or should I say inaction of local authorities to comply with simple and basic Statute Law, the Regulations and the directions of the Secretary of State for Transport.
The legislation is often referred to by council officers as too complicated. There are basically only four diagrams/pictures of parking bays to follow and two diagrams for yellow lines. These are simple and if too complicated, technical drawings are free to download from the DfT website.
Provided the quote by the press is correct, once again we have a highway authority with a legal duty to only employ prescribed traffic signs stating they are writing to the Government for clarification on what they continually quote as being: guidance.
There is no guidance that requires clarification and, once again the public are being spun.
Any guidance documents issued by the Department for Transport always defaults to the legislation, in this case, the contents of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002.
As such the legislation is binding and the use of any 'sign' not within the publication, without the written site specific authority the Secretary of State for Transport is illegal and the authority is simply acting beyond its powers (for those that doubt read Chapter 1, the Traffic Signs Manual, Part 3, the Legal Responsibilities for Signs at point 1.18).
Therefore the use of anything that does not meet the precise requirements of signing law is 'non-prescribed' . Additionally, de minimis (minor deviation from law) is often quoted, however, the Regulations deal with de-minimus in the permitted variations and Regulation 12. There is nothing beyond that, as Lord Parker found in the High Court ruling in the case of Davies v Heatley 1971
Having worked with Philip Somorakis and also formerly as a Police Officer, I can confirm that the criminal offence of misfeasance in public office should be dealt with by the Police and, additionally should anyone care to look at the CPS website you can see the additional criminal offence of misconduct in public office.
Do not be fooled into believing that the council officers do not understand the legislation, all signing 'law' is written for engineers to both understand and apply. National conferences and seminars are held to assist, I was the opening speaker at the IHIE Conference this September, talking about this very subject.
The public should also consider that their councils have legal departments and hold copies of all the legislation, plus, as their comments in the paper show, they have access to free access to additional guidance by the Department for Transport, Westminster, London.
If anyone is actually interested in understanding the legislation, what signing should look like and also the
consequences of signing inaction they need look no further than the advice pages of my website:

Thursday, 18 October 2007

This week in Bolton (Police called in)

I have asked the Greater Manchester Police to issue a Prosecution against Mr Sean Harriss the Chief Executive of Bolton Council. The Charge is Malfeasance which is a Tort and can be a civil wrong or a criminal offence, however in this case it is the latter, the Police appear to think that it is a civil case and would not take me on the first call I made, I phoned the Crown Prosecution Service who informed me that they prosecute cases on behalf of the Police and can only do this if the Police bring the Prosecution first, they told me to get hold of the Police Complaints Commission and make the complaint, on the second call to the Police I managed to get it logged they said someone will call me back, again the officer another Policewoman informed me that it was a civil offence, they are not supposed to interpret the law that is not their job, that it what the CPS and the courts are for, the Police are there to uphold the law and to investigate the complaint, however guess what, no phone call, I phoned again and was given a sympathetic ear by a Policeman who have more logic I think, he said he would get someone to call at my house next week to take a statement, so I'll keep you posted, I don't want to go down this path but the Council are being totally Intransigent which nobody likes, if I don't get a visit I have no alternative but to go through the PCC.

Next week in Bolton (Council Meeting) Illegal Parking Bays on the Agenda

The issue of illegal parking bays will be brought up at a a full council meeting on 24th October 19.00 hrs by Mr John Higson who is concerned at these illegal bays.
the public can attend so try to get down and show support fo the camapign, through the main entrance go upstairs, follow the throng.

This week in Bolton (Another PCN Cancelled)

I received this email a few days ago from a friend who's wife had picked up a PCN in Central St car park.
Hello Barry, Well another feather in your cap, or notch on your bed post whatever it may be. They have cancelled the penalty charge notice. Big thanks for that, tell us your tipple and I'm sure we can oblige. cheers Bill
below is the email I asked him to send to parking services.

Hi Billy.
Forward this below to the Parking services

Dear Sir/Madam
With Reference to: PCN no BO61074546 I wish to make an informal appeal against the PCN

1. The bay has two lines on one side, this is confusing, therefore which is the real one.
2. The PCN is a nullity because part of S66 (3) (a-f)of the 1991 RTA informing a motorist where the instruction to pay are printed on the tear off slip which does not form part of the PCN see LBBarnet v Hugh Moses.
3. There is no signage anywhere in the parking place to inform amotorist that the Council will relieve them of £60 if they park over a line, this is against the law and against my human rights, a motorist must be informed of all the possible contraventions applicable to the parking place, or parking space, there are no contraventions listed on the Pay & Display machine nor are there any repeater signs in the parking place.
4. I now ask you to cancel the PCN on the points I have raised, if not I will ask for costs at an NPAS appeal as the Council would be pursuing a vexatious claim for Penalty Charges.
5. Please reply by email so I know that I have received it, I have been informed that too much post goes astray from Bolton Council Parking services.
6. Please acknowledge save receipt of this email.

Yours Faithfully

W. Ireton

And this is the reply from Parking Services

Dear Mr Ireton


Thank you for your correspondence regarding the above mentioned Penalty Charge Notice.

I am writing to inform you that after considering the circumstances expressed in your letter, the notice will be cancelled and the charge withdrawn.
Yours sincerely Customer Services Officer

I do not know which option they chose to cancel the PCN, but if you get a PCN include all of the options above it may get the PCN cancelled

Monday, 15 October 2007

Day 3 Picture 3 Le-mans Crescent

Again pics of 3 unlawful bays this time in Le-mans Crescent Bolton Town Centre 2 pay and
display bays 1 loading bay, Click on the Picture to Supersize it

Monday, 8 October 2007

Day 2 Picture 2 of Bolton's Illegal Parking Bays

Dear Mr Harriss,
As promised please find attached pictures of an another illegal Hybrid bay.
I copy here again the remarks from Department for Transport relating to this type of Bay.
Traffic signs on any road to which the public has access, including private roads, must conform to the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 or be specially authorised.

Mr Kelly states this picture is road marking to diagram 1028.4 but I observe a double termination marking in the photographs which does not conform to the diagram 1028.4 in Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 (TSRGD). The road marking parking bay with a double termination in TSRGD 2002 is diagram 1032, where individual parking spaces are marked. I do not see any individual parking spaces. This marking seems to be an unlawful hybrid of 1028.4 and 1032 and does not conform to a single diagram in TSRGD 2002.

In direction 25 of TSRGD 2002 in the table (page 430) items 13,14 and 15 indicate the signs that must be used with 1028.4 which can be signs to diagram 639.1B, 660, 660.3, 660.5, 660.6, 660.7, 661.1, 661.2A, 661.3a, 662, 667, 667.1, 668, 668.1 or 801. However please also note Sub paragraph (2) on page 431 of regulations What ever is placed should also accord with the Traffic Regulation Order which places the waiting restriction.

Under the FOIA please supply the following information. I hold yourself responsible for the replies within the FOIA timeframe.

  1. How many Penalty Charge Notices have been issued on this bay in Mawdsley St Bolton.
  2. How many went to bailiff stage.
  3. Please supply copy of Traffic Regulation Order for this bay
  4. Please supply copy of Special Authorisation for this this hybrid bay.

You may treat 3 and 4 above as a normal request within Bolton Councils 10 day reply remit.

To reduce the impact on the environment and public funded postal charges, all replies should be sent via electronic means i.e. Email. No Paper copies.

Yours Sincerely
Barry Moss

Today in the Bolton News (well actually it was Friday 5th Oct)

Parking signs changed after ticket appeal
By Rob Devey
Comment Read Comments (7)
A CAMPAIGNER has scored a victory in his battle against what he says are illegal parking signs in Bolton.
Bolton Council has changed signs in its car parks across the town following a complaint from Barry Moss.
The signs said vehicles "must park within a parking space", but did not explicitly state they must be "wholly" within an allotted bay.

That was the reason why the National Parking Adjudication Service overturned a ticket handed to Mr Moss's daughter-in-law, Tracey Pilkington.
The mother-of-four, of Park Road, Westhoughton, parked her Vauxhall Tigra five-inches over the parking space line at the Topp Way car park in Bolton, last December. The council has since altered all 24 signs to include the word "wholly".
Mr Moss, aged 61, of Hindley Road, Daisy Hill, was informed of the changes to the signs in a letter from the council's parking manager, Sheila Jackson.
Referring to the decision made by adjudicator Stephen Knapp, Ms Jackson stressed that each appeal was judged on its own merits and that the council had been successful on other occasions.
Ms Jackson added: "Therefore, this decision does not make parking enforcement in Bolton illegal and there is no reference to this anywhere in Mr Knapp's decision.
"However, Bolton Council has now taken independent legal advice and you will be pleased to hear that the signs on the off-street car parks are to be amended to reflect Mr Knapp's comments."
Mr Moss welcomed the council's move, but said: "The council should have got its signs right in the first place and these changes are costing taxpayers' money.
"Even though they are changing the signs they are still not admitting they were in the wrong and they are still not issuing refunds to people who got tickets."
Parking wardens earned more than £1 million for the council by issuing nearly 45,000 tickets between April, 2006, and March, 2007.
The £60 fines are reduced to £30 if paid within two weeks.

Sunday, 7 October 2007

Illegal Parking Bays in Bolton, The Proof

Sent the below letter to Mr Sean Harris the CEO of Bolton Council.

The proof that the bays are illegal is in the form of a an email sent by the Department for Transport to me last week regarding a picture of a bay I sent to them which is typical of all the bays in currently being used Bolton.

To the Chief Executive Bolton Council
Dear Mr Harriss.
I can now supply the proof to you that all the bays in Bolton on which Bolton Council are issuing Penalty Charge Notices on, are indeed illegal.

I also now have the evidence that the Council are guilty of Maladministration and Malfeasance, this evidence is in the form of several Penalty Charge Notices which I invited the Parking Attendants to issue to me to provide the evidence that they were illegally issuing PCN on illegal bays, despite putting the Council on notice to the fact they were illegal, the Parking Attendants were guilty of aiding and abetting a criminal offence by issuing out the Penalty Charge Notices, they were notified of this at the time of issuing, I have their collar numbers and if the need arises they will be subpoenaed.

Armed with the above information will you now:

  1. Cease Enforcement until the bays are made lawful.
  2. Issue refunds to the motorists who have already paid the Penalty Charges including those that incurred bailiffs charges.
  3. Pay Compensatory damages to the motorists whose PCN's were enforced by the Bailiff.
  4. Pay Compensatory damages to the motorists whose goods and chattels were removed as a result of enforcement of PCN's by the Bailiff.
  5. Remove the Contractors NCP who are negligent by not informing Bolton Council Parking Services through their Street Furniture Proforma that traffic signs are worn and need replacing. (It is their duty to inform Parking Services of the need to repair, redo, or replace defective traffic signs, this is done through the Parking Attendants Code of Practice which each PA should be issued with on starting employment)
  6. Issue a press statement informing them that the bays are unlawful and the council will issue apologies, apply refunds and damages.
  7. Resign.

Mr Harriss you have seven days (7) to comply with the all the requests as stated, non are negotiable.

Between now and the end of the seven days, I will send pictures of all the bays that the DfT have deemed illegal.

Why has the removal of the trailer in the picture not been actioned, it has been there for at least 4 weeks as I know of, if it were a car it would have been given Penalty Charge Notices every day, it is taking up precious parking space reserved for vehicles.

Today's pics are of illegal bays are in Dawson Lane (off St Georges Road) and Barn St (Side of Job centre plus Black Horse St.)

Comment from the DfT
Traffic signs on any road to which the public has access, including private roads, must conform to the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 or be specially authorised.

Mr Kelly (Bolton Council highways) states this picture is road marking to diagram 1028.4 but I observe a double termination marking in the photographs which does not conform to the diagram 1028.4 in Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 (TSRGD). The road marking parking bay with a double termination in TSRGD 2002 is diagram 1032, where individual parking spaces are marked. I do not see any individual parking spaces. This marking seems to be an unlawful hybrid of 1028.4 and 1032 and does not conform to a single diagram in
TSRGD 2002.

In direction 25 of TSRGD 2002 in the table (page 430) items 13,14 and 15 indicate the signs that must be used with 1028.4 which can be signs to diagram 639.1B, 660, 660.3, 660.5, 660.6, 660.7, 661.1, 661.2A, 661.3a, 662, 667, 667.1, 668, 668.1 or 801. However please also note Sub paragraph (2) on page 431 of regulations What ever is placed should also accord with the Traffic
Regulation Order which places the waiting restriction.

Saturday, 29 September 2007

Wheelchair access Parking Appeals Venue

Hi Folks
I sent this today to the CEO Bolton Council. I do not think he will be a happy bunny especially when he sees who else iv'e sent it too.

Barry Moss

Dear Mr Harriss,
The Holiday Inn in Bolton is the venue for parking appeals and it does not have wheelchair access for the disabled.

I attended the venue today to hear appeals and I watched a disabled appellant helped by her husband struggle up the three steps to the adjudication room on the ground floor, also it is a route march from the underground car park and uphill all the way and the closest fire escape to the appeal room about 6 metres away involves going down to the basement via two flights of steps.

This building as got to be the worst wheelchair friendly building in the Borough and whoever chose this venue has not taken the disabled into account.

I urge you to take this venue off the list and find another venue which complies with the relevant laws for wheelchair users, a lot of penalty charge notices are issued to disabled drivers and they must be given easier access options than there are at present to attend an appeal without having to struggle to get to the appeal room.

This email has been copied separately to The Bolton News, Disability Rights Commission, Ruth Kelly MP, Neil Herron, NPAS. Jim Keiller.

Friday, 28 September 2007

Today in the Bolton News

Fight parking fines
A Readers' Letter
A disabled friend was issued with a parking ticket in Queen Street, Bolton, recently, for parking over the front marking in a disabled bay. My friend could only just fit the car into the bay.

I contacted campaigner Barry Moss, who has appeared in The Bolton News and who provided helpful advice.

My friend appealed and the ticket was withdrawn.

I would urge anyone who feels they have been unjustly issued with a parking ticket to contact Barry.

Do not let the dictators of Bolton Council stuff their coffers with fines.

Peter Seddon, Grove Street, Kearsley

Well done Peter and give my regards to Jannette, I'm glad the advice produced a result, I had no doubt it wouldn't, but with Bolton Councils unlawful parking regime you never know what comes next, but we remain ready for them.

Today in Bolton
Went to the adjudication appeals today at the Holiday Inn in Bolton, the adjudicator was Mr Stephen Knapp who I find to be a fair and knowledgeable adjudicator and apart from a couple I missed and a couple of appellants who didn't turn up and a couple of adjournments it was 100% wins for the other 8, it was a very good day for justice and a bad day for Bolton Council's lawless regime, crime should not be seen to pay, But in Bolton Councils case Crime pays very handsomely indeed.


Bolton Council Reneges on DPE application (Nothing new there then)

Dear Mr Harris'
I have obtained under the FOIA over 600 pages from the DfT regarding Bolton's Councils application for Decriminalised Parking Enforcement from 1999, within the first few pages I found the following:
From Traffic Management & Tolls Division 1
Review of Existing parking regulations.
Annex B
Review of existing parking regulation:
2. Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council has undertaken a review of it's existing Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO's) and has confirmed all orders will be revised by the commencement date of August 2000. The Council also proposes to ensure that all parking restrictions will be signed in accordance with the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions.

After checking the signs regarding bays against the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions I can confirm that no such undertaking has been carried out by Bolton Council and the signs are still illegal after DPE commenced in late 2000, 7 years.I have been in touch with the DfT and awaiting information from Mr John Mann Traffic Signs DfT who is interested in why the signs have still not been made legal, which was a requirement for allowing DPE by the DfT in 2000, for 7 years the council have derived unlawful income from thousands of motorists parked in illegal bays.
When are the Council going to issue restitution to all the motorists who have paid out their hard earned income for penalty charges issued on illegal bays that do not conform to statute, especially Ms Joanne Mills who had to pay £384 to the Bailiff because her partner thought the bay he parked in was a Disabled Permit Bay and thought it were also legal. The Illegal bay was the MAYORS BAY.
This email will also be copied to the Bolton News and Ms Joanne Mills
Yours sincerely
Barry Moss

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Illegal bays in Church Bank

Spent 6 hours in Bolton on Sat 15th photographing and taking notes of Bolton's back street illegal parking bays, have a look at these pics in church bank, the council are enforcing these none existent bays and when I inform them to suspend enforcement they say there is the existence of a Traffic Order, there may well be a Traffic Order in existence but the bay certainly doesn't exist for the TRO to back it up which makes the TRO as not in use. and this is after the Parking Attendant has informed the council that the bays need relining. I will send these pics to Bolton Parking services and see what wry comments they come back with.

Friday, 14 September 2007

Parking out of Bay

Bolton Council have indicated that after consulting a legal expert (Barrister) they are to put the CONDITIONS OF USE Signs right at the car parks, there are about 30-35 of them in Bolton the word "wholly" is missing from the signs. I told them on June 11th after receiving the Pilkington v Bolton Council adjudication from the National Parking adjudication Service, The signs were non compliant but it has cost the Bolton Taxpayer 100's of ££££'s for a legal expert to tell the Council what I told them in June for free.
The work will be done over the next 21 days, needless to say a request will be following under the FOIA asking how much the Barrister cost the taxpayer of Bolton, followed by a request to find out how much the the sign modifications cost.
When I receive an electronic version of the letter I will post the full climbdown on here it makes satisfying reading.

Boltons Non compliant bays Part 2

I forgot to mention the 1028.3 bay which Mrs Bohan referred to in her letter below, here is the reply.

Dear Ms Bohan,
Sincere apologies I neglected to reply to your comment in second paragraph , it states: would also add that Item 4 of your picture shows it is permitted to omit the word "disabled" from road marking 1028.3.
You are not wrong, however if you are going to omit the word disabled it must be replaced with 1 of 3 other permitted variants, otherwise what will the bay become, it can't be any other bay other than with the permitted variants of:
1. Buses
2. Large or slow vehicles only
3. Loading only
4. Disabled

The Permitted Variants box of a 1028.3 bay states:

Disabled may be omitted or varied to: (see 1 to 3 above)

No wording at the bay makes the bay non compliant with the TSRGD the bay you are using in Howell Croft North is a 1028.3 bay without the wording but it is currently being used as a 1032 bay because you are illegally charging motorists to park in a bay that does not exist in law, therefore you are deriving income from a non compliant bay, the proof you are doing this is the plate showing where the P&D machine is and of course the machine itself.


Barry Moss

Bolton's Non Compliant Bays

Below is a letter received today from Mr Sean Harriss' office regardin my letter to him recently, my reply is below this letter.

From: Bohan Joan (nee homewood) [] On Behalf Of Harriss SeanSent: 14 September 2007 16:42To: bmoss@ntlworld.comSubject:

Dear Mr Moss Thank you for your email which I have now discussed with my colleagues. I agree that it appears that some such bays may have been marked in error, with the ends of bays either marked with one transverse line instead of two or two instead of one, or with individual spaces within a bay marked with two transverse lines instead of one.
I would also add that Item 4 of your picture shows it is permitted to omit the word "disabled" from road marking 1028.3.
I would have thought that an appeal on such grounds would not succeed under the “de minimis non curat lex” principal, providing that the signage was correct, that it was conveyed to the driver the uses for which the bay was intended and that its length and location conformed to that provided for in the Traffic Regulation Order.
I would add that as part of any ongoing future maintenance programmes we will rectify the above marking errors. Finally, I am concerned at the inappropriate language you used about staff in this and other correspondence and I would ask that you desist in future so that we can conduct our business in a professional manner.


Dear Ms Bohan Joan.
Please read this email to Mr Harriss and ask him to reply PERSONALLY.
If you could point out the inappropriate language I will try very hard to refrain from using it in the future, but if you are referring to Waffler this was used instead of calling someone a liar which to me is a more offending term. The term waffler is an endearing term used by Blokes, but you wouldn't know that as you appear to be a woman, you should not be concerned about any inappropriate language unless it is addressed to you personally, if waffler was not the inappropriate language you are referring to then please point me to the offending word, if it was Waffler then please confirm. De Minimis the definition of which I believe would be: "too insignificant to be of importance" if the council think the bays would come under de minimis you may as well shut the council down now, de minimis would be used by an adjudicator perhaps if someone was referring to a line as too wide or too narrow by 3 or 4 millimetres or too long or too short by 5 or 6 centimetres, the bay of which you are deriving unlawful income from does not even appear in the statute book 3113 2002 so I would hardly refer to missing lines or too many lines as De Minimis. You can hardly rely on De Minimis if the bay doesn't exist at all.I hardly think any adjudicator with an ounce of intelligence would even mention the term de minimis never mind rely on it to decide an appeal on it, especially after s/he sees a picture of the bays.On Saturday 14th I am going into Bolton again to document and photograph the remainder of the non compliant bays in Bolton I will then email you my findings. I will park in a bay in le-mans crescent to pick up a Penalty Charge Notice the Contravention will be Number 83 if the PA gives me a PCN he will be breaking the law on behalf of the council (Malfeasance) I will appeal the PCN it on the bays non compliance with the TSRGD's 2002 and I will cite case law of Davies v Heatley in my defence.See (read to first horizontal line) Also see (8th case down) after this appeal win I will be asking the council for a date to refund the money illegally taken from thousands of unlawful tickets issued in the bays mentioned. If you can show me case law or any appeal that was won by a Council on the De Minimis rule for the types of bays I have documented and photographed and revealed to Bolton Council as being bays currently in use in Bolton, I will give up my campaign against the lawless Bolton Council, throw in the Towel and move to a mud hut in Zimbabwe. Regards Barry Moss P.S May I ask to you to use the reply button rather than start a new email page this is too ensure that the previous information can be tracked. Also could you please refer to the body of the letter by using the subject box, again so it can be tracked, if you are new to emailing perhaps you could ask a colleague to teach you how this is done, or refer to the relevant Windows Tutorial.

Monday, 10 September 2007

Letter to Chief Executive Bolton Council to apply restitution of penalty charges taken on invalid bays

Dear Mr Harriss, As I have copied emails to your email address you must have read with some concern that all the parking bays mentioned in and around the town centre are invalid as they do not comply with the TSRGD's. if the traffic sign does not exist the contravention cannot occur, despite the rantings of Mr Tony Kelly in the Highways dept, if none of your highways management staff cannot provide you proof of what I am stating then email me and I will point you to the necessary legislation.Under the FOI act I have requested the number of PCN's issued at these bays and the three permit bays in Victoria Square North(1) and Victoria Square South(2). I now ask you as the Chief Executive of Bolton Council to give me a timeframe for the issue of refunds plus interest to the people who have paid the Penalty Charge payments which were issued unlawfully, keeping this money derived from unlawfully issued Penalty Charge Notices is, may I remind you a criminal offence, as is Malfeasance, you were put on notice by me on 5th September 2007, any Penalty Charge Notices issued since then were issued illegally as far as Malfeasance is concerned because you now know the PCN's are unenforceable. After I receive the FOI regarding the amount issued If necessary I will again approach the Police with more evidence of Malfeasance.
Yours Faithfully
Barry Moss
Campaign Against Bolton Council's Illegal Parking Regime

INVALID PERMIT BAYS (Security & Response)

Dear Mrs Jackson,
I recently checked the two Permit bays in Victoria Square South and I note that these too have been changed ( like the mayors bay) by removing one of the double broken lines at the start and end of the bays, which are used only on a 1032 Bay, whereas a permit bay is a 1028.4 bay.One of the permit only bays was recently removed from Victoria Square North (12th March I Believe)and another permit bay was added at Victoria Square South at the same time time, although I am not sure of this.I am sure you have seen the following paragraph before but for clarity I have copied it here:Traffic signs shall be of the size, colour and type prescribed by regulation and that if a sign, the contravention of which is an offence, is not as so prescribed then no offence is committed if the sign is contravened, even if the sign is clearly recognisable to a reasonable man as a sign of that kind.From Statutory Instrument 1996 No. 2489The Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996PART III Making an order Regulation 18 States:Traffic signs: 18.—(1) Where an order relating to any road has been made, the order making authority shall take such steps as are necessary to secure—
(a) before the order comes into force, the placing on or near the road of such traffic signs in such positions as the order making authority may consider requisite for securing that adequate information as to the effect of the order is made available to persons using the road;
(b) the maintenance of such signs for so long as the order remains in force; and
(c) in a case where the order revokes, amends or alters the application of a previous order, the removal or replacement of existing traffic signs as the authority considers requisite to avoid confusion to road users by signs being left in the wrong positions. (2) The order making authority shall consult the appropriate Crown authority before carrying out the requirements of sub-paragraphs (a) and (c) of paragraph (1) in relation to a Crown road.In the interests of justice and transparency I would be grateful if you could respond to the following series of questions (please treat as Freedom of Information requests only where necessary, the other matters to be acknowledged and dealt with in the normal manner when dealing with communications from members of the public).
1. What was the prime motive for modifying the two security and response bays (alleged
permit bays) in Victoria Square South.
2. When were they modified
3. Copy of the works order, memo or email or telephonic transcript or any admin document
relating to the bays in 1 above
4. Who initiated the order for removal of the lines
5. How many Penalty Charge Notices have been issued at the alleged permit bays in Victoria
Square South
6. How many of the Penalty charge notices issued in 5 above went to Bailiff stage

Yours Faithfully

Barry Moss